

Do I have to be a good swimmer to come to your sessions?2024-02-04T10:24:22+00:00

No. Our sessions cater to all abilities. When you book, our disclaimer allows us to tailor sessions to your experience and goals. Introduction sessions are perfect for newcomers to meet us, discuss your goals, and find the most suitable sessions. We have 2 coaches at the sessions which enables us to provide coaching and support for the different levels within the group.

What session suits me best?2024-02-04T10:25:07+00:00

Unsure? Message, call, or book a session, meet us, and let’s chat. We’ll observe you in the water and guide you to the best route for your goals.

Do you offer one-to-one coaching?2024-02-04T10:30:56+00:00

Yes, we offer two-to-one coaching either in the pool or the sea to ensure optimal support and safety at every session.

What else do you offer?2024-02-04T10:31:18+00:00

We host Sea-Treat retreats in partnership with other local businesses. Lundy day trips and Sunset boat trips, working closely with Lundy Diving. We provide distance guided coastline swims and private event swims with Open Water Devon along with Swim Camps.

What do I need to bring?2024-02-04T10:31:39+00:00

Check our bookings page for specific recommendations based on the season and session type. Essentials include a swimsuit, bright swim hat, goggles, towel, and warm clothes. Your confirmation email will also contain a list of recommended gear.

How do I book?2024-02-04T10:31:58+00:00

Visit our booking page, select your desired session, get all the info, and book your spot.

Do you do bespoke sessions?2024-02-04T10:32:20+00:00

Absolutely! Contact us directly, and we’ll tailor sessions to your needs, whether for events, one-week availability, private sessions, or buddy swims.

Is it women-only?2024-02-04T10:32:37+00:00

No, we welcome any gender, age, size, and ability.

Do I have to wear neoprene?2024-02-04T10:32:53+00:00

For most sessions, wear what’s comfortable. Some, like guided swims, may require a wetsuit for safety.

What if I don’t have the right equipment?2024-02-04T10:33:15+00:00

No worries! We have rental options. Just let us know in advance. If you like what you use, you can purchase it directly from us.

Do I have to stay in the water the whole time?2024-02-04T10:33:41+00:00

Absolutely not! Customise your experience—dip in and out at your pace.

Who are the sessions suitable for?2024-02-04T10:34:04+00:00

Most sessions suit everyone, with options for all abilities. Specific details on the booking page for each session.

Do you do kids swim coaching?2024-02-04T10:34:35+00:00

Yes, on a one-to-one or family basis. Contact us for details.

Do I need to be fit for the fitness sessions?2024-02-04T10:34:51+00:00

No, all fitness levels are welcome. The aim is to build on your fitness regardless of swim ability or stroke.

Will I be safe?2024-02-04T10:35:08+00:00

Yes! Constant upskilling and qualifications ensure your safety. Dynamic risk assessments are ongoing, and we’re fully insured with beach and pool lifeguard qualifications.

Where do we meet for the sessions?2024-02-04T10:35:31+00:00

Find details on the booking page and confirmation email, including What Three Words for simplicity.

Do I need to come in my swim gear for the start of the session?2024-02-04T10:35:52+00:00

It’s up to you. Some change at home; we provide time to change before sessions.

Where do I leave my things?2024-02-04T10:36:08+00:00

Secure locations vary by venue. We take no responsibility for lost items. Venues often have lockers or secure areas.  We encourage you not to bring valuables.

What facilities are available to get changed?2024-02-04T10:36:27+00:00

All venues (excluding beaches) have functional changing facilities, toilets, and warm showers. It will state it in each individual session on the booking page.

What is Coastal Swim Coaching Membership?2024-02-04T10:36:47+00:00

For £35/month, enjoy unlimited FREE sea sessions, reduced rates for pool sessions, discounts, exclusive access, monthly member swims, and a FREE swim hat.

Can I come and watch a session?2024-02-04T10:37:04+00:00

Absolutely! Meet us, have a chat, and see if it’s the right fit for you.

I’m worried I’ll be the worst or the slowest. Will I get in the way?2024-02-04T10:37:20+00:00

Not at all! We support everyone’s unique goals and journeys. Two coaches at every session and ample space ensure the best environment for everyone.

I’m on holiday in the area, can I join on to a session while I am here?2024-02-04T10:37:37+00:00

Yes absolutely, come and enjoy our beautiful coastline safe in the knowledge you are with 2 experienced, qualified coaches.

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